In order to discuss your challenge, you may find it helpful to first
gather as many answers as you can to our "Gizmo Quiz". (Don't let that
slow you down, however; sometimes it is more efficient to talk it through. )
Then contact us to get started. The first contact is of course free. We will
not disclose your information to others without your permission.
- What is this thing supposed to do?
- How well: speed/resolution/repeatability/accuracy?
- How long: operational cycles, number of years?
- What are the nearest products presently in existence? How do
they compare?
- How big or small can/should it be?
- Allowable weight/inertia?
- Are esthetics important? (consider all five senses!)
- What is history of the technology?
- Who will use it? install it?, service it? Skill level?
Operator interfaces needed?
- Where will the units be used?
- What conditions must it withstand during shipment?
Operation? Temperature, humidity, pressure/vacuum,
vibration/shock, chemical, biological, particulate,....
- How loud/quiet?
- Any EMI/RFI/magnetics considerations?
- Any special materials requirements?
- What energy and supplies are available for input, desired/tolerable for output?
- Who are you? (name, company, address, phone, fax,
- What skills do you command/need for this project?
- Why is the item needed?
- What level of confidentiality is appropriate?
- How many will be needed - considering quantity/price
- How much are you willing to pay - for concept, prototype,
production items?
- When needed - each step; earliest, latest?
- Who else might need same device - collegues, competitors?
- Which attribute is best to optimize, and which attributes
are simply bounds?
Copyright 2006 All rights reserved