1815 Mayfield Drive
Crestwood, KY 40014-9604
502-225-9393; fax -9394


Creating machines that work.

Conceiving, designing and building mechanical, optical and electro-magnetic elements, and integrating them with electronics and software into complete working systems.

Doing everything necessary to create working prototypes, from analysis and invention to machining, fabrication, assembly and testing; then supporting the new products and processes into full production.

Working with a small group of people with complimentary skills creating practical solutions to real problems.


1990-1998 New Focus, Inc., Santa Clara, California. Founder & Senior Vice President
1986-1990 IBM Research Division, Almaden, California. Senior Engineer
1967-1986 IBM Systems Development Division, Rochester, Minnesota. Engineer


Founded New Focus, Inc. Along with 3 others, started the company in our garage and helped grow it to over 120 people.

Created majority of New Focus inventions including the Picomotor system, mode-hop-free tunable lasers, achromatic anamorphic prism set, and numerous mechanical mounts including the Opticlaw. Designed many other products.

Developed an agile manufacturing system allowing significant reduction in inventory while maintaining rapid response to orders.

As an IBM engineer, originated numerous concepts for advanced optical disk files; designed and built prototype 3.5" magneto-optic disk drive with seek times and data rate comparable to hard disk files; designed and built optical disk mastering system, component testers and alignment tools.

Designed and built optical system for fast, high resolution inspection of advanced multi-layer ceramic computer module green sheet circuitry.

Helped define basic technology directions, cost reductions and performance improvements for small hard disk files; initiated holographic measurement; developed laser diode interferometer, designed actuators.

Managed magnetic head development: designed heads for floppy and hard disk files, developed processes and equipment for making heads, developed manganese-zinc ferrite processing, built prototype heads.

Designed and built a phase-measuring interferometer.

Created an NC contour lap. Helped introduce NC to model shop. Linked NC equipment to CAD for model parts. Coordinated CAD system applications.

Developed punched-card equipment.

As an Army Officer, served with distinction at the U. S. Army Ordnance Corps Combat Developments Command Maintenance Agency, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland: helped improve the process for planning support of the Army's equipment.

27 U. S. Patents

48 Published Inventions

Marquette University: BSME, Summa cum Laude, #1 in class.
Creighton University: BS Math, Physics, Liberal Arts.
Numerous other classes ranging from optical system design to sculpture.
Midwest farming including development and maintenance of machinery.

Designing, making and restoring things: houses, stained glass, steam engines, pianos, etc. Music. Gardening. Private pilot.



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